Welcome to my Glitch website. I'm an Interaction designer based in Glasgow. This is my sandpit for building things out of HTML, CSS, vanilla JavaScript and P5.js.

Contact me on LinkedIn

Other pages in this Glitch website:

Shoestring UI

Shoestring UI is a little collection of accessible HTML and CSS components. I use them building quick prototypes and passing over designs to development teams.

Shoestring UI Base rules

H1 heading

H2 heading

H3 heading

Text p

Hint text p


Some Fontawesome icons:


Input fields

Here's a hint

Oops - try again


Radio buttons and check boxes

Radio buttons
Check boxes
WC3 Table
Duck Breed Favourite band
Donald Disney Slayer
Daffy Warner Bros Wu Tang Clan
Howard Marvel Vengaboys

Layout rules

General cards